What is Shezmu?
Shezmu is the first hybrid isolated lending market, allowing users to borrow against select ERC-20, ERC-721, and ERC-1155 assets. Shezmu also contains a cross-chain router DEX & has pioneered the supply-elastic NFTfi model.
How do I purchase Shezmu?
Shezmu is acquirable on DEX's such as Uniswap and 1Inch, and is not currently available on any Centralized Exchanges.
What are taxes?
Taxes are a small contribution taken from each transaction in order to help fund the Protocol's operations and distribution of USDC to Guardians holders.
Why does Shezmu have taxes?
Shezmu has 0% buy tax and 6% sells tax. Out of the 6% sells tax, 2% goes to liquidity, 2% goes to USDC for guardian holders, and 2% goes to Shezmu's stability fund. Each of these functions are critical in order to maintain the platforms operations and price stability.
How do I earn rewards?
Shezmu community members can earn rewards via burning tokens to acquire Guardian NFTs. Once a user owns a Guardian, they are entitled to Shezmu token and USDC rewards. Users may also earn oSHEZMU via Agora and LP Tokens via single sided staking.
What are Guardians?
Guardians are the name for the NFTs minted through burning Shezmu tokens on the Shezmu Protocol. Guardian holders are rewarded with 2% of the sell tax volume paid out in USDC, and receive .12 Shezmu tokens per day with a 30% fee on claims. This fee goes towards the treasury and allows the Shezmu team to compound liquidity rapidly, allowing for improved price stability and scalability for the Shezmu ecosystem.
How do I acquire a Guardian?
In order to acquire a Guardian, you must first obtain Shezmu tokens. Once obtained, users have the ability to burn said tokens in order to acquire a Guardian and receive rewards. Guardians may also be purchased from Shezmu's marketplace, the Bazaar.
How do I make Guardians?
To mint Guardians, users simply need to burn a proportional amount of Shezmu tokens.
Where can I trade Guardians?
Guardians will be tradable on Shezmu's Ethereum NFT market, bazaar. Just simply connect your Ethereum based wallet of choice to the marketplace in order to trade Guardians.
What are bonds?
Bonds are equivalent to loaning assets in exchange for compensation. Oftentimes, this compensation comes in the form of scheduled coupons which are called "coupons".
What is "on-ramping" and "off-ramping"?
These are terms generally used within the community to describe the transfer of depositing and withdrawing assets from a platform. "On-ramping" is acquiring said assets while "off-ramping" is disposing of said assets.
What is LTV?
LTV stands for Loan To Value. This means how much percentage wise users may borrow against assets.
What is Liquidation Ratio?
Liquidation ratio is the percentage of debt threshold compared to collateral in which the debt becomes considered unhealthy. If it exceeds the liquidation threshold, the loan may be liquidated.
What is ShezUSD?
ShezUSD is synthetic stablecoin that can be used as liquidity within loans on Oasis.
What is ShezETH?
ShezETH is a synthetic ETH derivative that can be used as liqudiity within loans in Oasis.
What is an LP token?
An Liquidity Provider (LP) token is a tokenized representation of one's contribution to the liquidity within an Automated Market Maker (AMM) pool.
What is a CDP?
A Collateralized Debt Position (CDP) is a smart contract controlled instrument that allows users to mint new assets such as ShezETH or ShezUSD through the use of existing assets such as ETH to support i.e. "collateralize" the position. Users must deposit said collateral to borrow ShezETH or ShezUSD.
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